Wednesday, 22 August 2012

قصة جامعة النيل

جامعة النيل هي الجامعة البحثية الوحيدة في مصر. نم انشاءها عام 2006 كجامعة للدراسات العليا.

الكيان القانوني:

كانت الخطة ان تكون الجامعة أهلية لكن لم يوجد قانون للجامعات الأهلية في مصر. ولارادة القائمين عليها في تأكيد صفة عدم الربحية من الجامعة فأنشأوا جمعية أهلية وهذة الجمعية انشأت الجامعة

أعضاء هذة الجمعية الأهلية 55 عضوا كان نظيف رئيس الوزراء السابق أحد الاعضاء بصفته الشخصية ولم يكن له أي دور قيادي فيها.. رأس الجمعية الدكتور ابراهيم بدران
كانت الجامعة تقوم علي التبرعات والشراكات البحثية من كبري الشركات العالمية (انتل ، جنرال موتورز، ..) مع المراكز البحثية في الجامعة.
في هذه الأثناء قامت الجامعة بنشر أكتر من 700 بحث وكان لها العديد من الانجازات

ملك وزارة الاتصالات وكانت الجامعة لها حق الانتفاع بالأرض
منذ الثورة:

فوجئنا بمنعنا من دخول المعامل في مقر الجامعة بالشيخ زايد وزعم البعض امثال مصطفي بكري والصحفيين الذين علي شاكلته باشاعة ان جامعة النيل هي جامعة نظيف التي انشأها لكي يتربح منها وهذا غير صحيح بالمرة. فوجئنا بقرارات احمد شفيق بعد ذلك بسحب ملكية الارض وجعلها تابعة لصندوق تطوير التعليم.

وبدأ مشوار التظاهرات. حاولنا مقابلة كل المسؤلين بالدولة رئيس الوزراء، وزير التعليم العالي، كل من له اي علاقة وان كانت بعيدة بالقرار من الوزارة والرد واحد "استنوا زويل لما يجي مصر ونشوف هنعمل ايه" عندها توجهنا لأحمد المسلماني لأنه كان المتحدث الاعلامي باسم زويل حينها قال في برنامجه ان زويل لا علاقة له بجامعة النيل وانه ينوي اقامة مشروعه في مكان اخر

لكن هذا لم يؤثر في جملة "استنوا زويل" من المسؤلين.. كنا في هذا الوقت نري في زويل العالم الجليل الذي سيضيف الي الجامعة باشرافه عليها وصرنا ننتظر قدومه بفارغ الصبر..في هذا الوقت فهمنا من المسلماني ومن جميع المسؤلين ان جامعة النيل سوف تكون نواة لمشروع زويل وان المشكلة سوف تحل قريبا جدا بقدوم زويل الي البلد

فجاء زويل اخيرا والمفاجأة الكبري كانت اصطحابه لفايزة ابو النجا التي حتي الان متخلة في المشكلة بطريقة مربية جدا .. دخل زويل في اجتماع مغلق مع ادارة الجامعة الذي كان يميل الي الاستجواب بعلاقتهم الغير موجودة اصلا بالنظام السابق ورفض مقابلة الطلبة.. فلحقنا به علي سلم الجامعة لنسأله عن مستقبلنا ونطلب منه ان يسمح لنا دخول المعامل حيث كان الترم قد بدأ ونحن اضررنا ان ندرس بعامل وورش جامعة عين شمس نظرا لمنعنا من دخول المعامل التي اصبحت "مدينة زويل" سألناه عن ماذا ينوي فقال ان مشروعه لن يبدأ قبل سبتمبر وانه ان ضم طلاب جامعة النيل لن يضمهم كلهم بل سيضم "الشطار" منهم ... ثم هددنا وقال لنا بالنص "الاعلام مش هينفعكم" وقال لنا الا نتظاهر أو نطالب بحقنا ضده ... عندئذ فهمنا اللعبة زويل قرر أن يأخذ المعامل لكن الطلاب لا.

طبعا لم نقبل ان تتفكك الجامعة بهذه الطريقة ولم نحتمل فكرة الا يجد بعض زملاؤنا مكان في الجامعة مما يهدد مستقبلهم .. لكن قلقنا الاكبر كان في كيف لعالم جليل مثل زويل ان يري طلاب ممنوعين من دخول معاملهم والقرار بيده ولا يفعل شيئا.. وكيف وهو يعلم ان المدينة لن تبدأ قبل تصديق مجلس الشعب عليها ان يتركنا معلقين في الهواء.. ولماذا لا يريد ان يستمر كيان جامعة النيل كأول جامعة بحثية مصرية اثبتت وجودها وتميزها في فترة قصيرة؟؟ لماذا يهدمها بدلا من ان يضيف اليها؟

وعدنا الي نقطة البداية وقتها لا ندري ماذا نفعل ثم فوجئنا بعرض مريب من مجموعة استثمارية ان تشتري الجامعة من الجمعية الاهلية
لتصبح جامعة خاصة.. فرفض اتحاد الطلاب هذا العرض بكل قوته حتي لا تتحول الجامعة الي "سبوبة" وينهار مستوي التعليم لأن التوجه البحثي للجامعة لن يتفق مع توجه استثماري. وبدأت الضغوطات تتوالي تارة تههدنا وزارة الاتصالات بطردنا من المقر المؤقت بالقرية الذكية وتارة اخري تهددنا وزارة التعليم العالي باغلاق الجامعة لعدم وجود مقر دائم!!!

ظهر زويل مرة اخري يساوم مرة ان يأخذ الباحثين ويترك طلبة البكالريوس ثم مرة ان يأخذ طلبة الهندسة ويترك طلبة ادارة الاعمال .. ثم ذات ليلة سرق الماكيت من مقر الجامعة المؤقت ووجدناه في اليوم التالي علي التلفزيون يشرح زويل عليه مدينته ويقول ان هذا هو المخطط الذي خططه هو!! ثم ظهر معه احد اساتذة جامعة النيل في برنامج ليقول انه عاد من امريكا خصيصا لمشروع زويل وهذا الشخص كان يعمل بجامعة النيل منذ ثلاث سنوات!!

طوال هذه المدة كنا نحاول ان يجعل الاعلام يسلط الضوء علي المشكلة وطبعا اعلامنا المحترم فاجئنا كثيرا بعبارات "أصل الشريط اتحرق" أو "أصل مش هينفع انهاردة عشان الكاميرا باظت" بعدما تصلهم تهديدات بعدم نشر الموضوع وكلما يعلو صوت الجامعة كلما تنازل زويل.. حاولنا اقناعة اكثر من مرة خلال وسائل الإعلام المتاحة لنا وخلال قنوات الاتصال بيننا وبينه ان يترك ال 2 فدان المقامة عليهم المباني لكنه رفض.. أن ياخد جامعة النيل بكامل كيانها لكنه رفض .. وكنا عندما نسأل عن خطة جامعة زويل أو ما هي الكليات الموجودة بها يرفض الاجابة .. او تكون الاجابة "لسة هانشوف"

اخر عرض كان ان يأخذ الطلبة في جامعته وتصبح جامعة زويل لكن يترك الاساتذة والادارة مع اختفاء كيان جامعة النيل.. في هذة المرحلة ازداد تمسكنا بالجامعة اكثر واكثر فقد وجدنا فيها الأمل بتعليم وبحث علمي حقيقي في اليلد .. وجدنا الأساتذة الذين تركوا مناصبهم بالخارج ليعملوا بها غير باحثين عن المجد الباطل والبروباجندا الاعلامية .. لذلك وقفنا ندافع عنها ولم نتركها لنذهب الي جامعات اخري منذ ظهور المشكلة في فبراير 2011 ... ثم يقف امامنا عالم جليل لم يرينا اي شئ يدل علي حسن نيته بل مماطلة وكذب وخداع ورغبة في الظهور 
والانتقام ولا مبالاة بمستقبل طلبة

اخيرا كان ظهوره مع يسري فودة .. رفض ان يظهر اي شخص من جامعة النيل في اللقاء ورفض حتي المداخلات التليفونية ونشر معلومات مغلوطة وأكاذيب مبهمة عن الجامعة بدون أي دليل .. ونفذ تهديده "انتو فاكرين ان الشعب هيصدقكوا .. انا هطلع اتكلم في الاعلام والشعب هيصدق اللي هاقوله والجامعة هتقفل"

رفضنا الانضمام لجامعة زويل .. رفضنا اي محاولة لهدم كيان جامعة النيل .. نرفض أن نؤله الاشخاص . لمجرد انه زويل لا يعني انه يريد
النهضة لمصر وان ارادها فليبني مدينته بعيدا .. ليس علي انقاض الاخرين
كل هذا موثق بالفيديوهات والمستندات في هذه المدونة:

بقلم مريم رياض

Friday, 27 July 2012

كفاية تحرش و أعذار خايبة

أنا قررت لتاني مرة اني اكتب عن التحرش الجنسي بس المرة دي مش عشان أشجع البنات و الستات انهم يرضوا على المتحرش و يتمسكوا بحقهم في الأمان والإحترم المرة دي بسبب حملة "ما تفطريش صائم" و حاجات تانية من نفس المنطق المريب.

بس مبدئياً كدة أنا عايزة بس أعرف الناس الأول على على أنواع التحرش تاني و هما: لمس، بسبسه، النظر المتفحص للجسد، تعليقات، متابعه أو ملاحقة، معاكسة تليفونيه، كشف عن أعضاء جسديه، إقتراحات جنسيه تعبيرات بالوجه و أكيد أكيد يقع تحت التحرش الإغتصاب و هتك عرض. أنا جبت القائمة المفصلة دي من موقع خريطة التحرش الجنسي و أنا قررت أحطها لأن نفسي الناس تجمع إن التحرش الجنسي مش مجرد لمس و بس لكن هو يشمل كل حاجة بتمس البنت بأي طريقة.

من الحاجات الاستفزتني جيداً مؤخراً على غير العادة هي حملة "ما تفطريش صائم" هي مش مختلفة كتير عن نظرة المجتمع للراجل و الست وهي إن البنت هي السبب في البيحصلها عشان هي مش محترمة و الراجل يا عني مظلوم لما بيشوف الحاجات دي مش بيعرف يمسك نفسوا. أنا بس الاستفزني في الحملة دي هي الجانب الديني الظهر إذ فجأةً من غير أي سبب، فجأة لقينا نفسنا بنتحمل ذنب رجاله هرمنتهم هي البتتحكم فيهم و مش بيعرفوا يمسكوا نفسهم. أنا بس عايزة أفهم ليه مجتمعنا حط كل واحد فينا في دور معين ليه الست إتحطت في دور الغواية و العهر و ليه الراجل اتحط في دور الكلب البلدي في موسم التزاوج. الأدوار دي مهينة لكل واحد فينا و مش من الطبيعي إن احنا نتقبلها من غير أي مناقشة.

مش من الطبيعي إن الراجل يلعب دور كائن متحرش هرموناتوا بتحكموا لما يشوف أي حاجة مؤنثة يفقد أعصابوا و السيطرة على نفسوا و عقلوا ربنا مخلقكش كدة يا ابني متمشيش ورى تصنيف مجتمع عايز يجردك من انسانيتك و دينك و أخلاقك. مش لازم تهين أي وحدة مشية قدامك عشان تتماشى مع طريقة تفكير المجتمع ده مش صح إنت مش حيوان. مش من الطبيعي انك تتحرش بوحدة و بعدين تقول أصلها كانت لبسة مش محترم فمعرفتش أمسك نفسي. إنت مش كلب!!!! ربنا مخلقكش و الهرمونات مسيطرة عليك. اه يا ابني عمرك شفت بنت تحرشت بولد عشان شكلو كان حلو لدرجة انها مقدرتش تسيطر على نفسها؟؟ الحمدلله احنا مش حيوانات فلما البنت بتشوف واحد عجبها مش بتعمل حاجة.    

لكن طبعاً المجتمع بيسقف لحاجة زي دي عشان البنت تستاهل أصلها مش لابسة محترم فهي السبب الولد ياعني مظلوم. بس عندي سؤال اه تعريف لبس محترم؟ لكل واحد فينا تعريف للبس المحترم بيختلف من شخص للتاني مش كلنا عندنا نفس النظرة لكل حاجة. وبعدين حتى لو البنت مش لابسة محترم مش من حق أي حد إنو يحسبها ويقرر يعاقبها عشان هو قرر انها غلطت.         

للمرة ال-٥٠٠٠ عذر انها مش لبسة محترم فكان لزم أربيها أو تستاهل أو معرفتش أمسك نفسي ده مش عذر ده استهبال ده سبب كل واحد بيديه لنفسوا عشان ضميروا يبطل يزعجوا على الهو بيعملوا في بنات الناس. إنت مش كلب و لا طفل عندوا 3 سنين بيعاني من تبول لا إرادي و محتاج حفاضات كفاية بقى.    

مهما كنت البنت لبسه من حقها انها تمشي في الشارع من غير ما تتلمس أو تسمع تعليق حقير يخليها عايزة تنزل فيك ضرب لحد ما ربنا يخدك, ليه؟ عشان إنت مش حيوان و هي حرة تلبس زي ما هي عايزة مش من حقك انك تعملها أي حاجة لأي سبب من الأسباب.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

We Won, Right?

The atmosphere now in Egypt is quivering with happiness and excitement; the air is scented with the aroma of our hard won freedom. A new president has been elected; a president from the people and appointed by the people, he's one of us and he has fought beside us in every battle to claim our freedom..... etc, etc. All the previous lyrical description is correct right? well no this is completely wrong it's complete bullshit and the Egyptian people have been tricked.

So lets take a brief look at the past year and a half just to get a better picture. Immediately after Mubarak stepped down SCAF began the scare tactics to force us down the path of their choice. We had the scary clashes almost immediately after Mubark stepped down and during that time SCAF played on the general public's fear. Some time later we had the referendum which was interpreted as the choice between stability and chaos, between God and Islam on one side and the anarchists and anti-Islamic bastards on the other. After some time we had the parliamentary elections then later the presidential elections and all the while there has been almost monthly clashes between protesters and the so called thugs and the police forces.

Lets first begin with our greatest fuck up which is the glorious parliament the pride and joy of the people. So, most of the parliament was made up of the Muslim Brotherhood and the other majority were the Salafies and all those have proved how completely useless they are. This is due to one reason only which is as always SCAF. SCAF would never allow someone who is not on their pay roll to have a position of any kind of power because if they did then the honourable members of SCAF will be royally screwed and that is a fact. So SCAF allowed this bunch of lecherous retards to set foot inside the parliament because they will never hold SCAF accountable for the numerous deaths that occurred during the past year and a half. The retards made a deal SCAF for power its that simple.

Some time later the parliament was dismantled this gives the mental image of SCAF giving us all the middle finger and saying Fuck you all I have all the power not you. Of course a lot of people where rejoiced and were happy that the MPs were shoved out of the parliament because lets face it the MPs pissed of a lot of people; alot of people missed the hidden messages in this move the I mentioned the 1st one and the 2nd one I'll mention later.

Now we move on to the presidential elections. The elections from the beginning were fraught with problems and meaningless shit but the real problem appeared when the re-election was between Shafik and Morsi. The first one belonged to the old regime which made him an undesirable and later belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood which made him also an undesirable and the lesser of 2 evils but in my opinion that was no choice at all its like being asked what your preferable method of death is, either ingesting arsenic or by a bullet in the head. This choice made people panic one category of people decided to vote for Shafik because they were afraid of the Islamists and this group members were labelled as traitors. The second group decided to vote for Morsi because he belonged to the revolutionary sector of the population one way or the other. The last group which have been labelled also as traitors and cowards were the ones who chose to boycott, for the simple reason that both candidates aren't worth shit and the real puppet master is still in the background.

In the end Morsi won and the people rejoiced which is exactly what SCAF wanted; people were forced to vote for Morsi or betray the revolution. But the thing that almost everyone missed is that the ones who were in charge of Egypt for the past year and a half the ones who spilled our blood on every street corner the ones who killed us in cold blood are free to roam the streets and they will never hand the power to anyone but their lap dogs. So some people may call it a victory that Morsi won the election and that the election was free and fair but this is very far from the truth. The truth is Morsi made a deal with SCAF in order to become Egypt's president but what that deal entails I have no idea and this is the scariest part because while the people rejoice and are unaware of the danger we're in the wolfs are moving in for the kill. 

For the guys who were 100% sure that if Shafik won then re-election would have been fixed but if Morsi won then the re-election is fair isn't that faulty logic? I mean if the election was fixed for one candidate wouldn't the same apply for the other won what is stopping the elections from being fixed for Morsi? Actually one thing that supports this theory is what happened to the parliament maybe just maybe SCAF were reluctant to leave all this power in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood I mean its the presidency and parliament this is a bit much if they'll be able to come to some understanding with each other the Muslim Brotherhood's power would have to be taken down a notch hence what happened to the parliament. 

Forget the constitution that SCAF is trying to hijack, forget the president, SCAF's puppet and forget the parliament focus on SCAF the murderers are still free because if we don't act now then SCAF will win and may be they already have.


Thursday, 19 April 2012

Nile University: Lies Vs. Truth

دأب الدكتور أحمد زويل على نشر المغالطات في وسائل الإعلام ليدافع عن موقفه في الاستحواذ على أرض و مباني جامعة النيل دون حق و من ثم عملياً قيامه بتدمير جامعة النيل أول جامعة بحثية في مصر ليقيم مشروعه الخاص المسمى باسمه و من هذه المغالطات: 
  1.  أنه كان لا يعلم بتخصيص مباني جامعة النيل له حتى شهر مايو 2011.
  2.    أن الحكومة المصريه خصصت له المباني بعد أن تنازل مجلس أمناء جامعة النيل طواعية عنها.
  3.     أن جامعة النيل جامعة خاصة في حين أن مشروعه مشروع قومي غير هادف للربح.
  4.    أن جامعة النيل لم تدخل أبدا مبانيها و لم تستخدمها و من ثم فالجامعة من الممكن أن تكمل عملها في مكان آخر.
  5.   أنه قد استطاع أن يجلب الكثير من كبار العلماء المصريين في الخارج  ليعملوا معه و أنه لولا مشروعه لما عادوا أبداً لمصر.
  6.     أنه حاول مساعدة الجامعة و لكن هي الجامعة التي ترفض. 

و أيضاً الكثير و الكثير من المغالطات.

:سلسلة الفيديوهات التالية تم جمعها لإظهار الحقائق

Dr. Ahmed Zewail has been propagating many misconceptions in the media to defend his position regarding the acquisition of Nile University's campus for his project with no right, and thus effectively destroying Egypt’s first research university in favor of his own project, named after him! Some of these misconceptions are:
  1.  That he was not aware of the government allocating the Nile University buildings to him until May 2011. 
  2. That the Egyptian government has allocated the buildings to him after the Nile University board of trustees voluntarily gave them away to the government. 
  3. That Nile University is a private university whereas his project is a national not-for-profit project. 
  4. That Nile University never had access to its campus and thus is free to carry on with its business elsewhere.
  5. That he has attracted top Egyptian scientists from abroad to work for his project who would have never come back to Egypt except for him. 
  6. That he has offered to help Nile University and it is the University that is refusing 
And many, many, more misconceptions. The following set of videos tell the truth

Student Videos:
1- Nile University| The Truth - Part 1 جامعة النيل | الحقيقة - جزء  

Dr. Zewail states in an interview with YousriFouda that Nile University is a private university whereas his project is a not-for-profit one. He also states that Nile University never had access to its buildings.

The response of the Nile University President and other people is from an interview with Hafez Almarazy, Nile University's president, Dr. Tarek Khalil, explains that Nile University is totally not-for-profit, established by a not-for-profit organization and is thus legally; public money and that it was the government that established it as a national project as part of the ministry of information technology and communication national strategy. This is confirmed by the ex- minister for higher education, Dr. Moataz Khorshed.

Dr. Khalil also explains that he, as the sole legal representative of the university, never signed away any rights to the campus, and that all the government decisions are illegal and are contested in the court of law.

The video also shows pictures of Nile University operations from inside its buildings and that it had fully moved into the campus by January 2011
جامعة خاصة في حين أن مشروعه غير هادف للربح و قال أيضاً أن جامعة النيل لم تدخل أبدا مبانيها.

الرد يأتي من حوار رئيس جامعة النيل و أفراد آخرين في برنامج حافظ المرازي حيث يشرح رئيس الجامعة الدكتور طارق خليل أن جامعة النيل غير هادفة تماما للربح و تملكها مؤسسة ذات نفع عام أي ملك للشعب و أن الحكومة هي من أنشأتها كمشروع قوني حسب خطة وزارة الاتصالات  يؤكد هذا الكلام وزير التعليم العالي السابق د معتز خورشيد

ثم يؤكد د خليل أنه كالممثل القانوني الوحيد للجامعة لم يتنازل عن أي حقوق للجامعة و أن قرارات الحكوم كلهاغير قانونية و أنها مطعون فيها أمام القضاء.

و يأتي أيضا الرد على عدم دخول المباني بعرض صور للجامعة في داخل المباني و التأكيد أنها انتقلت لعلمها هناك في يناير 2011 

2- Nile University| The Truth - Part 2 جامعة النيل | الحقيقة - جزء - Yehia Ismail 

In an interview with Mona El-Shazly, Dr. Zewail insists that he had managed to repatriate a number of Egyptian scientists to help in his project. He mentions Dr. Yehea Ismail several times and Dr. Ismail makes a statement confirming this fact stating that he met Zewail in the USA and they decided that Dr. Ismail should come back so they can work together.

What neither Zewail or Ismail mention is that Dr. Yehea Ismail had been working for Nile University since 2008 till summer of 2011, and was with the university during the start of the crisis and has demonstrated with the students and had appeared on various interviews (including with Mona El-Shazly herself) requesting the government return the campus to the university, all as a Nile University Professor). The video thus shows the footage of Ismail in his previous life.
في حوار مع منى الشاذلي يقول د زويل أنه نجح في استقطاب الكثير من العلماء المصريين من الخارج و يذكر اسم الدكتور يحيى اسماعيل عدة مرات بل ويظهر الدكتور يحيى اسماعيل نفسه في الفيديو ليؤكد أنه قابل الدكتور زويل في أمريكا و قررا معا أن يعود يحيى لمصر ليعملا سويا

و لا يذكر أيا من د. زويل أو د. اسماعيل أن الدكتور يحيى اسماعيل كان يعمل في جامعة النيل منذ 2008 حتى صيف 2011  وكان يعمل في الجامعة وقت بداية الأزمة و قد شارك في الوقفات الاحتجاجية مع طلبة الجامعة بل و ظهر في عدة برامج تليفزيونية (بما فيها مع منى الشاذلي نفسها) يطالب بعودة مبانيها كأستاذ في جامعة النيل ويعرض الفيديو المقاطع التي ظهر فيه اسماعيل في حياته السابقة.

2- Nile University| The Truth - Part 3 جامعة النيل | الحقيقة - جزء - Zewail Israel:

This video discusses the Mosslemany's allegations concerning the students and faculty being associated with Israel and brings into light Zewail's own relationship with Israel. 
هذا الفيديو يناقش حقيقة ادعاءت المسلماني عن صلة جامعة النيل بإسرائيل وكون الطلبة عملاء وأيضاً يناقش علاقة .زويل بإسرائيل 

A brief about Nile University's problem by a student


Five minute short video overview of Nile University problem footage from different programs.
فيديو يجمع مجموعة من التسجيلات يشرح مشكلة الجامعة 

Wael Abbas' interview with students, researchers and professors of Nile University:

Ahmed Shafik's video regarding his decision of taking over Nile University's buildings: 

This Video (18 February 2011, five days after Mubarak stepped down) shows press conference for prime minister General Ahmed Shafikafter a meeting with Dr. Zewail. He categorically stated that his government has decided to withdraw the buildings from Nile University and “reviving what is known as Zewail project”

Shafik did not say that anybody returned building voluntarily, but rather said categorically that it is a government decision.

Moreover he said that he will revive the Zewail project. This was 3 months before May, the date that Dr. Zewail claims was the first time he knew about the land allocation to him.

Also between February and May there were various communications between Nile University, Zewail and the Government about the issue, and there are many other videos to prove this.

هذا الفيديو (يوم 18 فبراير 2011 أي 5 أيام بعد تنحي مبارك) يظهر مؤتمر صحفي للفريق أحمد شفيق رئيس الوزراء بعد اجتماعه بدكتور زويل و قيه يقول شفيق صراحة أن الحكومة قررت سحب مباني جامعة النيل و "أحياء ما يعرف باسم مشروع زويل"

شفيق لم يقل أن أحداً أعاد المباني أو تنازل عنها بل قال صراحة "قررنا" أي أنه قرار الحكومة.

و أيضا قال أن الحكومة ستحيي ما يعرف باسم مشروع زويل. و كان هذا في فبراير أي 3 أشهر قبل شهر مايو أو التاريخ الذي يقول الدكتور زويل أنه سمع فيع لأول مرة عن تخصيص أراض له.

و نؤكد أنه ما بين فبراير كانت هناك الكثير من الحوارات بين جامعة النيل و الحكومة و د. زويل نفسه عن الموضوع و هناك فيديوهات أخرى تثبت هذا.
Reem Maguid talking about Nile University:

Dr. Zewail has said several times that Nile University can carry on operating from the Smart Village temporary building and does not need the campus buildings that have been allocated to him !!

In an interview with ReemMagued, Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb and student Mariam Ibrahim explain the reality about the problems the university is facing due to Zewail’s acquisition of their lab facilities and that they now have to go use the facilities at other universities.

The minister of higher education in a phone-in says again “Nile University was created to remain”, a vague statement he keeps on saying but offers no real solution to the problem or how he and his government can help the university.
دأب الدكتور زويل على القول أن جامعة النيل ممكن أن تستمر في مبانيه المؤقتة في القرية الذكية و لا حاجة لها بمباني الشيخ زايد التي خصصت له !! 

في برنامج ريم ماجد د محمد عبد المطلب و مريم ابراهيم الطالبة في جامهة النيل يشرحا حقيقة مشكلة جامعة النيل و يشددا على مشكلة سلب معاملها منها و تأثيرها على العملية التعليمية و البحثية و أن الطلبة يذهبون الى جامعات أخرى ليستعملوا معاملها 

ووزير التعليم العالي في مداخلة تليفونية مع ريم ماجد يقول مجددا "جامعة النيل وجدت لتبقى" عبارة مبهمة دأب على قولها و لكن لا يشرح كيف يمكن أن يساعدها هو أو حكومته
Bassem Yousf's show on Nile University:

Bassem Youssef satirically introduces his coverage about the Nile University issue by saying:
“Unfortunately, months after destroying the essential infrastructure at Nile University we have discovered that it is still surviving …. still continuing in its shameful mission of educating students and conducting scientific research …. the objective of our report today is to completely demolish the university and to destroy the future of the students, researchers and returning scientists – the ones we brought to Egypt only to ask to go back abroad again – and to destroy any hope in improving education”

يقدم باسم يوسف برنامجه عن جامعة النيل ساخراً من ما وصل اليه وضعها: "للأسف بعد شهور من تدمير البنية التحتية الاساسية لجامعة النيل احنا اكتشفنا إن جامعة النيل لا زالت صامدة .... مازالت هذه الجامعة مستمرة في مهمتها المشينة في تعليم الطلبة و إجراء الابحاث .... تقريرنا اليوم هدفه القضاء تماماً على جامعة النيل و القضاء على مستقبل الطلبة و الباحثين و الطيور المهاجرة اللي احنا جبناهم عشان نرجعهم تاني و أي أمل في النهوض بالتعليم"
Essily's show about Nile University:

Dr. Zewails word to Nile University's undergrads. when he visited  the university last year:

This video taken by the students during Dr. Zewail's visit to Nile University in late May 2011. Dr. Zewail says that he will not allow students to hold up banners against him. He tells them that talking to the media will do them no good.

When challenged by the students that they need to access their buildings because they have no lab facilities, his response was that it is the fault of whoever admitted them to a university with no facilities (forgetting that when they were admitted into the university it had the facilities, and that he who now has those facilities).He then asks them to study hard otherwise he will not let them into Zewail City.

Interesting things is that the banners were not against Zewail but against the government decisions, but it seems Zewail either had a guilty feeling and though they were against him or alternatively really believed that he was part of the government that took these decisions.

هذا الفيديو صوره الطلبة أثناء زيارة الدكتور زويل لجامعة النيل فيآخر مايو 2011 و فيه زويل يقول للطلبة أن لن يسمح لهم بحمل لافتات ضده و أن اللجوء للإعلام لن ينفعهم.

و عندما قال  له الطلبة أنهم يريدون فقط الدخول لمعمالهم كان رده أن الخطأ على من أدخلهم جامعة بدون معامل (متناسيا أن عند دخولهم الجامعة كان بها معامل و أنه هو من استحوذ على هذه المعامل) و بعدها قال لهم أن يجدوا في دراستهم و إلا فلن يستطيعوا أن يدخلوا مدينة زويل.

المثير للدهشة أن اللافتات لم تكن ضد زويل في هذا اليوم بل ضد الحكومة و قراراتها و لكن يبدوا أن شعوره بالذنب صور له أنها ضده أو أنهفعلاً قد تصور أنه جزء من الحكومة التي أتخذت القرارات

A summary of the university's problem:

Five minute short video overview of Nile University problem footage from different programs.

فيديو يجمع مجموعة من التسجيلات يشرح مشكلة الجامعة

Last but not least Nile University's labs that were destroyed because Dr. Zewail refused to give the students access to them:
معامل جامعة النيل التي أصبحت خراب بعد إن منعت الجامعة من استخدمها  

Dr. Zewail insists that he was promised land for his project in 2000, and that he laid a corner stone. He has no documentation of such allocation and nothing to show but a picture of him showing him a desert with some ministers laying the corner stone.
The next picture shows a schematic where Nile University campus is and where the old corner stone
was, totally outside the Nile University campus.

يصر الدكتور زويل أنه كان تم وعده بأرض لمشروعه في عام 2000. و لكن لا توجد معه وثائق تثبت تخصيص أراض له غير صورة وحيدة له في صحراء و معه مجموعة من الوزراء.

و يظهر الشكل المرفق حدود جامعة النيل و أن موقع حجر أساس جامعته خارجها

What is extremely saddening – and unfortunately also against academic integrity – is that Dr. Zewail uses the Nile University buildings to boast in media, as if he is the one who put the effort in designing and constructing them over the years, very coldly neglecting NU’s staff and professors’ efforts over the year in designing and supervising the construction of the buildings to fit the requirements of their research – not his.

What is more amazing is what appears in these two photos. The first shows Zewail inaugurating the buildings with Essam Sharaf, Egyptian Prime Minister, in October. Both Zewail and Sharaf are standing inform of a scale model of what both claim is of the Zewail City. Zewail had never seen the scale model before, which was up to the night before this picture at the Nile University temporary building at the Smart Village. The scale model disappeared, mysteriously, that night!!

The second photo shows that the same scale model at the Nile University temporary building a couple of years earlier with Sir Magdy Yacoub, Egyptian-British Surgeon during his visit to the University. Nile University professors and staff were explaining to Yacoub the future plans of the university.

المثير للحزن – وللأسف أيضا ضد النزاهة العلمية - أن الدكتور زويل يخرج علينا في الإعلام متباهيا مباني جامعة النيل كأنه هو من بناها و بذل الجهد في تصميمها عبر السنين  ناكرا ببرود شديد مجهود عاملي و اساتذة جامعة النيل تصميم المباني و الشراف على بنائها لتلبي احتياجات ابحاثهم هم و ليست ابحاثه.

و الأدهى ما يظهر في هاتان الصورتان. في الأولى في شهر أكتوبر 2011 يظهر زويل مع رئيس الوزراء عصام شرف أمام ما يدعيا معا أنه ماكيت لمشروع زويل. للأسف د. زويل لم يكن قد رأى هذا الماكيت قبل تلك اللحظة حيث كان في مبنى جامعة النيل المؤقت بالقرية الذكية حتى الليلة السابقة لهذه الصورة و قد أختفى منها بطريقة غامضة.

 في الصورة الأخرى يظهر نفس الماكيت في مباني جامعة النيل المؤقتة قبل سنتين في 2009 أثناء زيارة الجراح المصري البريطاني السير مجدي يعقوب للجامعة حيث وقف الاساتذة و العاملون يشرحون على الماكيت خطة الجامعة المستقبلية.

The Following are 3 links to posts from different blogs concerning Nile University's problem:

هذة روابط من 3 مدونات يتحدثون عن مشكلة جامعة النيل:

1- Egyptian Chronicles: Nile University and Zewail City of Science , the same old Egyptian problem

2- Egypt: Country’s First Research University At Risk · Global Voices

3- Timeline of Nile University's Campus in Sheikh Zayed

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Sexual Harassment

I have been tweeting about  sexual harassment (SH)  on and of for sometime; specially when the horses ass MP Azza Al Garf was advocating the abolishment of the SH law, bec its our fault since we dress so provocatively; apparently ever single woman in Egypt any age is provocative. Any way Azza isn't the main topic here; this honour goes to SH. Sexual harassment (SH) is an extremely big issue here in Egypt and I don't think there is one woman in Egypt who can say that she hasn't suffered from it in one form or another

So, what exactly is SH?
1- Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical


2- Any form of Unwelcome sexual attention.

Where can it happen?
SH can happen anywhere for example on the street, at work or even in a shop; SH is not restricted to a single place.

There are 3 types of SH these are:
1- Verbal SH
2- Non-verbal SH
3- Physical SH

What is verbal SH?
Its comments about clothing, personal behaviour, or a person's body, whistling at someone and catcalls.

What is Non-verbal SH?
Looking up and down a person's body; derogatory gestures or facial expressions of a sexual nature, following a person or deliberately blocking someone's path.

What is physical SH:
This one is pretty self explanatory but just to make it clear physical SH includes: assault, inappropriate touching of a person or a person's clothing, standing close or brushing up against someone.

Now you know all the different types of SH and I dare whoever reads this classification to deny that they have suffered from even one form of SH before. And I'll be the 1st to admit that I have suffered from all 3 but mainly the 1st 2 types the last one thankfully happened to me only once. I have been cursed, propositioned and followed around at one time or another and its nothing that only started happening recently; it has been going on for years and I'm 20 so you do the math. But, what I am sure of is that its not my fault that I have been sexually harassed this is the work of a repressed sick mind; and what I wear doesn't figure into the equation; you can dress in a sack if you want and you'll still be harassed. So, if some sick person tells you its your fault because of the way you dress, or because you were walking in a side street or even because you were on the street late at night you can simply tell that person "GO TO HELL IT'S DAMNED WELL NOT MY FAULT". You are free to go where you want when ever you want to and wear what you want and this doesn't give any one the right to harras you.

Now the really important question is how to deal with SH, we mostly tend to ignore the harasser like our parents told us don't respond or he'll think you like it or if you respond it will only be worse just be passive and it'll be over soon. I just have a question has being passive helped you at all? don't you notice that more women and girls are being harrased? more and more every day instead of  declining the rate of harassment is steadily rising. I'm not implying that this increase is due only to our passivity a lot of other things factor into the equation but our passivity helped a great deal.

So, the next time you are harrased you answer back when someone insults you yell and tell him to behave himself, when someone dares to touch you you yell and slap him make a scene so people gather and teach him the lesson of his life. If we fight back enough times the  harassers will think twice before harassing anyone else. Its a start and even if it doesn't achieve the result you want it feels damned great when you fight back don't give someone the chance to degrade you and force you to feel revulsion and force you to hate yourself.       

Monday, 27 February 2012

Hmm, Who's The Next President??

So the time for the presidential elections is getting nearer and nearer every day; and most of us are wondering who are we going to pick to become the next Egyptian president and hopefully he wont be a thieving bastard like the last one. So have you decided which candidate are you going to elect? I know I have and this was a trick question; I WONT BE ELECTING ANYONE AT ALL, I WONT BE TAKING ANY PART IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS.

You're probably wondering what are my reasons for this refusal and your question has a one word answer which is SCAF; presidential elections under SCAF's rule is like giving a pain killers to a patient with a broken leg, without resetting the leg or putting it in a cast, the pain meds. do not actually treat the fracture it just stops the mind numbing pain. How can you guarantee that the new president will be a great man if he is going rule a country with a corrupt infrastructure going hand in hand with an ant infestation of criminals and how will you be 100% sure that this president wont be one of SCAF's dogs the answer is simple, you just can't. As long as SCAF is ruling the country they will never give any real power to anyone who is not one of their friends its just not logical. If you're thinking about the parliament we can all see that its bloody useless and wont even come near SCAF not even with a 10 foot pole. As for the constitution well, that pretty much covers itself again the constitution will be useless under military rule.

Again SCAF will never give any kind of power to a president one of 2 things is going to happen either one of their dogs is going to win the elections or one of their dogs is going to win the elections nothing else is going to happen. Lets face it half of the candidates belong to the old regime like Omar Soliman, one of them is the duck master of the world and the others aren't really trusted figures. So, even if you wanted to elect someone there isn't anyone suitable to be the next president.

So, the answer is instead of looking for the next president we should start cleaning up instead, we bring SCAF to justice along with numerous lap dogs, we throw the trash out of the parliament, we write a brand new fair and just constitution and only then can we start thinking about the new president.    

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Dr. Ahmed Zewail Exposed

If you are an Egyptian then you have definitely heard about Dr. Ahmed Zewail, the Egyptian scientist who won the Noble prize back in 1999. The real question is how much do we know about Dr. Zewail, for example how many of you know anything about his affiliation with Israel or America. Also, how many of you think that just because he won the Noble prize that he's fit to be the next Egyptian president or an educational and political reformer. The purpose of this post is expose Dr. Zewail for what he really is and for what he really is fit for, and that he is not our saviour.

First lets start with some background info, Dr. Zewail is an EGYPTIAN AMERICAN who was born in 1946 in Damanhour, Egypt. He got his bachelors and MS degrees from Alexandria University, he then moved to the US for his PhD which he got from the University of Pennsylvania. There is also a post-doctoral fellowship which he completed at the University of California. Oh and lets not forget that he became an American citizen in  1982. All this indicates that he actually spent a large part of his life living in America not Egypt.

What earned him a Noble prize was his work in Femtochemistry, which is the study of chemical reactions across femto seconds. His technique makes it possible to describe the chemical reactions during very short times meaning that the transition states in chemical reactions can be analysed.

His work made him the 3rd egyptian to win the Noble prize after president Anwar Al-Sadat in 1978 and Naguib Mahfouz in 1988. This means that he wasn't the 1st Egyptian ever to win the Noble prize nor was he the last one since Mohamed El Baradie won a Noble prize after him in 2005; meaning that he is not unique.

In 2009 Obama named him as his scientific envoy to the middle east, he is also a member of the Presidential Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

Have anyone heard of the Wolf prize? Well if not, this prize is an Israeli one and it is being presented since 1978 in Tel Aviv, to those who are believed to be working in the interest of man kind. For someone to win the prize apart from doing work that deserves the award they also are required to spend some time in Israel. Each prize consists of a bouquet of roses, a box of chocolate, a diploma and $100,000. Dr. Zewail was given this award in 1993. This means that he actually stayed in Israel for some time; more specifically he spent 1 year playing for lack of a better word in the Weizmann Institute.

Did any one notice that we never heard of Dr. Zewail giving a lecture in an Egyptian university that is scientific in nature, not even once; mean while he gave numerous scientific lectures in Israel and America; it just has to make us wonder about what Dr. Zewail thinks is important and his priorities. Also rumour has it that he gave 13 PhD and Masters grants to Israeli youth.

One of the phrases that I find really interesting is "Science and knowledge have no country." this was actually said by Dr. Zewail. I agree with Dr. Zewail science and knowledge truly don't belong solely to only one country they belong to all human kind; this is provided that the purpose of this science is to improve the life of man kind. Mean while Dr. Zewail thinks that since science has no country then its ok to develop laser guided missiles for murderers since after all science belongs to all man kind. So, why not develop weapons for Israel; it wont really hurt anyone except of course the Palestinians. Funny thing is we never heard of Dr. Zewail developing weapons for Palestine, in order to fight back and be on equal footing with Israel. (I'm not completely certian how true this is but I thought I had to include just on the off chance that it is.)

What we can conclude is the follwoing Zewail is an American, he spent most of his life in America, he is the US Scientific envoy to Egypt and he's Obama's scientific advisor; this covers his relations with America, While his relations with Israel include living for a year there, receiving the Israeli wolf award, giving lectures and last but not least developing weapons. What I am curious about is how can people demand that someone like Dr. Zewail be Egypt's next president how in gods name can we put another countries advisor as our president.

How exactly did Dr. Zewail help Egypt during the past years because I seriously can't see how he helped Egypt. Oh sorry I almost forgot about his great project Zewail's city that's supposed to take Egypt to the next level. If he's so set on helping Egypt why the hell is he naming his project Zewail's city does he think that he's Egypt's next Pharoah or that he's god's gift to man kind; if you're trying to help you don't give the project your name that's just conceited and egotistical; or are you just trying to immortalize yourself. Also, for those of you who think that since science is important then consequently Zewail's City is also important wake up; the research that will be done in zewail's city will be about natural sciences not applied ones which is completely useless to a country in Egypt's current situation. And by the way does anyone know that its illegal to collect donation money for a none existent project which is exactly what Dr. Zewail is doing; I just don't know why anyone is noticing that.

To conclude the Israeli-American-Egyptian Dr. Zewail isn't fit to be Egypt's next President or Minister or an Educator; he should just do us all a favour and stay the hell inside his lab.  

If you have any information that I overlooked please tell me and I'll add it.

Zewail's award 

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Murdering Idiots

January 25th, just passed and it has been a blood filled year since the revolution, and with this year I discovered the complete idiocy of the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) and their hunger for Egyptian blood to reach their goals, as if the end justifies the means. If you remember last year when Mubarak finally decided to abdicate and stop smothering Egypt the power was handed over to SCAF on a bloody gold platter, not even a silver one. People celebrated in the streets not just because Mubarak abdicated but because SCAF was going to see Egypt through the transitional stage in Egypt’s political life.

The army in Egypt used to be revered and really respected, since they are our heroes, the heroes who defeated Israel and all that stuff. Now a days the army is shunned, despised and mocked by a significant percentage of Egyptians. The council had the chance to rule Egypt indefinitely and maybe even a member of SCAF could have run for presidency and been welcomed by the people, but they ruined every chance of that ever happening. Instead of gaining the people’s trust and just doing what they wanted; which would have been very easy, SCAF lied, killed us in cold blood and imprisoned us.  

On a large number of occasions brute force was used against the protestors without any reason, the only reason that they created out of thin air was vandalism and saying that thugs were the ones killed not the protestors. Human life is not cheap, Egyptians are not cheap. Of course no one should forget the military trials that they are subjecting Egyptians to, which are groundless and based on their whims and nothing else. Civilians should be tried and convicted in a civilian court not a military one, no matter what their crime is.

I believe that our biggest mistake is that when Mubarak abdicated we accepted his decision to hand the rule over to SCAF. The first reason is that Mubarak had no power what so ever to hand over the rule to anyone else, he wasn’t Egypt’s president anymore so he doesn’t get to choose who rules Egypt next. The second reason is that we over looked the fact that the army was part of Mubarak’s regime so they will undoubtedly be corrupt, I mean how can a person with integrity work in a corrupt system for 30 years without being affected. Also how can someone work for thieves for 30 years without having their conscience twinge a bit? The answer is that it’s not possible. I use the word abdicated because we didn’t actually remove him, he left out of his own free will because he was secure in the fact that nothing was going to happen to him since his friends were going to rule Egypt and keep him safe. 

This leads to another question, which is why is the army trying so hard to oppress us and keep us in constant fear, why are they trying so hard to kill our freedom through any means possible? The answer is quite simple, the army is also afraid; because if the extent of the corruption they are trying so hard to cover up is discovered they will certainly be thrown in prison for life. So, they are not only trying to cover up their crimes they are trying to cover the crimes of their cohorts because they are all in the same boat. If one falls the others will, this is also why Mubarak’s and the other killers’ trial is a big farce.  

As everyone will notice I only mentioned murder and military trials and over looked the other things, the reason is because these are crimes against humanity not just Egyptians, so these should be enough for everyone to turn against SCAF, but sadly this is not the case. People are now divided, one group still believes in SCAF, and the other against them. There are a lot of arguments that people standing by SCAF still spout, but what really stuck out of all the lies is that SCAF isn’t in control of what happens or they didn’t give orders for the protestors to be shot and killed. Which is a really big problem because if SCAF can’t keep their soldiers in line that means that they are useless and aren’t fit to rule the country. Also let’s not forget the idiotic lie that was spread among the people that the videos showing the protestors being abused were fabricated and other similar garbage.

Also another one of my favorite arguments is that the guys in military uniform killing the protestors aren’t the army but impostors wearing their military uniform trying to drive a wedge between the army and the Egyptians. My answer is this, is SCAF this incompetent that they can’t catch who ever the hell is masquerading as them, I mean the impostors go to Tahrir in large masses to assault protestors for 3 to 4 days at a time. It’s really simple all the army has to do is get in a couple of cars go to Tahrir and arrest the guys in uniform.

Also, let’s not forget the time when SCAF had Maspero (Media) broadcast their call for help, asking the good and honorable citizens (not the protestors of course) to come defend them against the brutal attack that they were under.  This of course shows that the army is a bunch of useless ARMED, senile old women who can’t defend themselves.

Of course these lies were all circulated by Maspero, the brothel that is financed and operated by SCAF. The media is a very powerful tool and SCAF used it well. By circulating whatever lies they want to spread among the people. SCAF we so caught up trying to shove their lies down our throats the over looked the fact that we are no longer meek, and we won’t lie still while being abused and lied to. Some people may still believe their lies but their numbers are diminishing with each new assault against the protesters.

The problem is that in the past year the country didn’t move forward we are still stuck we only succeeded in replacing one tyrant with another. The parliament also doesn’t count since it was created during SCAF’s rule which means that it won’t have any really power, this is of course under the assumption that the elections weren’t fraudulent. On the other hand we were empowered that is the really positive result of the revolution we are demanding freedom, and justice we stopped being frozen in place, we feel anger against every single thing that is trying to take our new found freedom.  
To sum it up a bit, we have two groups one pro SCAF and the other is anti SCAF. The pro SCAF group believes that SCAF is innocent and harmless. To those I say wake the hell up even if SCAF is what you think they are, then this means that they are useless and incapable of running a country it has been a year and they still haven’t managed to catch who ever the hell is assaulting and killing us. To the anti SCAF group I say don’t lose hope our numbers are growing each day, and victory is somewhat close.  

To SCAF, I want you to know this, us revolting against you is not an American, Israeli, Iranian or whatever the hell other country you drag in to this plot. We are not aliens or spies we are fed up Egyptians. We are revolting against you and demanding an end to military rule because you are mass murderers and criminals. You are trying to keep things as they were during Mubarak’s rule. Know this we’ll continue to revolt against you until the last drop of blood is spilt and until you are brought to justice; and may god have mercy on you because we won’t have any for you, you burnt your bridges long ago. 

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