Thursday, 28 June 2012

We Won, Right?

The atmosphere now in Egypt is quivering with happiness and excitement; the air is scented with the aroma of our hard won freedom. A new president has been elected; a president from the people and appointed by the people, he's one of us and he has fought beside us in every battle to claim our freedom..... etc, etc. All the previous lyrical description is correct right? well no this is completely wrong it's complete bullshit and the Egyptian people have been tricked.

So lets take a brief look at the past year and a half just to get a better picture. Immediately after Mubarak stepped down SCAF began the scare tactics to force us down the path of their choice. We had the scary clashes almost immediately after Mubark stepped down and during that time SCAF played on the general public's fear. Some time later we had the referendum which was interpreted as the choice between stability and chaos, between God and Islam on one side and the anarchists and anti-Islamic bastards on the other. After some time we had the parliamentary elections then later the presidential elections and all the while there has been almost monthly clashes between protesters and the so called thugs and the police forces.

Lets first begin with our greatest fuck up which is the glorious parliament the pride and joy of the people. So, most of the parliament was made up of the Muslim Brotherhood and the other majority were the Salafies and all those have proved how completely useless they are. This is due to one reason only which is as always SCAF. SCAF would never allow someone who is not on their pay roll to have a position of any kind of power because if they did then the honourable members of SCAF will be royally screwed and that is a fact. So SCAF allowed this bunch of lecherous retards to set foot inside the parliament because they will never hold SCAF accountable for the numerous deaths that occurred during the past year and a half. The retards made a deal SCAF for power its that simple.

Some time later the parliament was dismantled this gives the mental image of SCAF giving us all the middle finger and saying Fuck you all I have all the power not you. Of course a lot of people where rejoiced and were happy that the MPs were shoved out of the parliament because lets face it the MPs pissed of a lot of people; alot of people missed the hidden messages in this move the I mentioned the 1st one and the 2nd one I'll mention later.

Now we move on to the presidential elections. The elections from the beginning were fraught with problems and meaningless shit but the real problem appeared when the re-election was between Shafik and Morsi. The first one belonged to the old regime which made him an undesirable and later belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood which made him also an undesirable and the lesser of 2 evils but in my opinion that was no choice at all its like being asked what your preferable method of death is, either ingesting arsenic or by a bullet in the head. This choice made people panic one category of people decided to vote for Shafik because they were afraid of the Islamists and this group members were labelled as traitors. The second group decided to vote for Morsi because he belonged to the revolutionary sector of the population one way or the other. The last group which have been labelled also as traitors and cowards were the ones who chose to boycott, for the simple reason that both candidates aren't worth shit and the real puppet master is still in the background.

In the end Morsi won and the people rejoiced which is exactly what SCAF wanted; people were forced to vote for Morsi or betray the revolution. But the thing that almost everyone missed is that the ones who were in charge of Egypt for the past year and a half the ones who spilled our blood on every street corner the ones who killed us in cold blood are free to roam the streets and they will never hand the power to anyone but their lap dogs. So some people may call it a victory that Morsi won the election and that the election was free and fair but this is very far from the truth. The truth is Morsi made a deal with SCAF in order to become Egypt's president but what that deal entails I have no idea and this is the scariest part because while the people rejoice and are unaware of the danger we're in the wolfs are moving in for the kill. 

For the guys who were 100% sure that if Shafik won then re-election would have been fixed but if Morsi won then the re-election is fair isn't that faulty logic? I mean if the election was fixed for one candidate wouldn't the same apply for the other won what is stopping the elections from being fixed for Morsi? Actually one thing that supports this theory is what happened to the parliament maybe just maybe SCAF were reluctant to leave all this power in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood I mean its the presidency and parliament this is a bit much if they'll be able to come to some understanding with each other the Muslim Brotherhood's power would have to be taken down a notch hence what happened to the parliament. 

Forget the constitution that SCAF is trying to hijack, forget the president, SCAF's puppet and forget the parliament focus on SCAF the murderers are still free because if we don't act now then SCAF will win and may be they already have.