Wednesday 8 February 2012

The Murdering Idiots

January 25th, just passed and it has been a blood filled year since the revolution, and with this year I discovered the complete idiocy of the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) and their hunger for Egyptian blood to reach their goals, as if the end justifies the means. If you remember last year when Mubarak finally decided to abdicate and stop smothering Egypt the power was handed over to SCAF on a bloody gold platter, not even a silver one. People celebrated in the streets not just because Mubarak abdicated but because SCAF was going to see Egypt through the transitional stage in Egypt’s political life.

The army in Egypt used to be revered and really respected, since they are our heroes, the heroes who defeated Israel and all that stuff. Now a days the army is shunned, despised and mocked by a significant percentage of Egyptians. The council had the chance to rule Egypt indefinitely and maybe even a member of SCAF could have run for presidency and been welcomed by the people, but they ruined every chance of that ever happening. Instead of gaining the people’s trust and just doing what they wanted; which would have been very easy, SCAF lied, killed us in cold blood and imprisoned us.  

On a large number of occasions brute force was used against the protestors without any reason, the only reason that they created out of thin air was vandalism and saying that thugs were the ones killed not the protestors. Human life is not cheap, Egyptians are not cheap. Of course no one should forget the military trials that they are subjecting Egyptians to, which are groundless and based on their whims and nothing else. Civilians should be tried and convicted in a civilian court not a military one, no matter what their crime is.

I believe that our biggest mistake is that when Mubarak abdicated we accepted his decision to hand the rule over to SCAF. The first reason is that Mubarak had no power what so ever to hand over the rule to anyone else, he wasn’t Egypt’s president anymore so he doesn’t get to choose who rules Egypt next. The second reason is that we over looked the fact that the army was part of Mubarak’s regime so they will undoubtedly be corrupt, I mean how can a person with integrity work in a corrupt system for 30 years without being affected. Also how can someone work for thieves for 30 years without having their conscience twinge a bit? The answer is that it’s not possible. I use the word abdicated because we didn’t actually remove him, he left out of his own free will because he was secure in the fact that nothing was going to happen to him since his friends were going to rule Egypt and keep him safe. 

This leads to another question, which is why is the army trying so hard to oppress us and keep us in constant fear, why are they trying so hard to kill our freedom through any means possible? The answer is quite simple, the army is also afraid; because if the extent of the corruption they are trying so hard to cover up is discovered they will certainly be thrown in prison for life. So, they are not only trying to cover up their crimes they are trying to cover the crimes of their cohorts because they are all in the same boat. If one falls the others will, this is also why Mubarak’s and the other killers’ trial is a big farce.  

As everyone will notice I only mentioned murder and military trials and over looked the other things, the reason is because these are crimes against humanity not just Egyptians, so these should be enough for everyone to turn against SCAF, but sadly this is not the case. People are now divided, one group still believes in SCAF, and the other against them. There are a lot of arguments that people standing by SCAF still spout, but what really stuck out of all the lies is that SCAF isn’t in control of what happens or they didn’t give orders for the protestors to be shot and killed. Which is a really big problem because if SCAF can’t keep their soldiers in line that means that they are useless and aren’t fit to rule the country. Also let’s not forget the idiotic lie that was spread among the people that the videos showing the protestors being abused were fabricated and other similar garbage.

Also another one of my favorite arguments is that the guys in military uniform killing the protestors aren’t the army but impostors wearing their military uniform trying to drive a wedge between the army and the Egyptians. My answer is this, is SCAF this incompetent that they can’t catch who ever the hell is masquerading as them, I mean the impostors go to Tahrir in large masses to assault protestors for 3 to 4 days at a time. It’s really simple all the army has to do is get in a couple of cars go to Tahrir and arrest the guys in uniform.

Also, let’s not forget the time when SCAF had Maspero (Media) broadcast their call for help, asking the good and honorable citizens (not the protestors of course) to come defend them against the brutal attack that they were under.  This of course shows that the army is a bunch of useless ARMED, senile old women who can’t defend themselves.

Of course these lies were all circulated by Maspero, the brothel that is financed and operated by SCAF. The media is a very powerful tool and SCAF used it well. By circulating whatever lies they want to spread among the people. SCAF we so caught up trying to shove their lies down our throats the over looked the fact that we are no longer meek, and we won’t lie still while being abused and lied to. Some people may still believe their lies but their numbers are diminishing with each new assault against the protesters.

The problem is that in the past year the country didn’t move forward we are still stuck we only succeeded in replacing one tyrant with another. The parliament also doesn’t count since it was created during SCAF’s rule which means that it won’t have any really power, this is of course under the assumption that the elections weren’t fraudulent. On the other hand we were empowered that is the really positive result of the revolution we are demanding freedom, and justice we stopped being frozen in place, we feel anger against every single thing that is trying to take our new found freedom.  
To sum it up a bit, we have two groups one pro SCAF and the other is anti SCAF. The pro SCAF group believes that SCAF is innocent and harmless. To those I say wake the hell up even if SCAF is what you think they are, then this means that they are useless and incapable of running a country it has been a year and they still haven’t managed to catch who ever the hell is assaulting and killing us. To the anti SCAF group I say don’t lose hope our numbers are growing each day, and victory is somewhat close.  

To SCAF, I want you to know this, us revolting against you is not an American, Israeli, Iranian or whatever the hell other country you drag in to this plot. We are not aliens or spies we are fed up Egyptians. We are revolting against you and demanding an end to military rule because you are mass murderers and criminals. You are trying to keep things as they were during Mubarak’s rule. Know this we’ll continue to revolt against you until the last drop of blood is spilt and until you are brought to justice; and may god have mercy on you because we won’t have any for you, you burnt your bridges long ago. 

Curtsy of:

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